
Second most populated city in the world, second city which is home of birds, The city which built with 14 Gates, the city which destroy 7 times, the which as lutyens city, Asia largest electronic and computer market, Asia largest Spice& dry fruit city

2020-02-22 11 Dailymotion

Hi friend!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{{{{{

■■This is my new channel daily inside India Om Singh.

●●here you will get informative and knowledge video with twist of fun in my style.


[Content of video]○○●●●●

Second most populated city in the world, second city which is home of birds, The city which built with 14 Gates, the city which destroy 7 times, the which as lutyens city, Asia largest electronic and computer market, Asia largest Spice& dry fruit city.

■■■■ thanks for your all support■■■