
Harvest Moon Back To Nature - Psx/playstation/ps1 Simulation Farm (bertani) Game android 3D (ePSXe

2020-02-15 2 Dailymotion

Intro + Gameplay

You can play this game with emulator on android

(kamu dapat memainkan game ini melalui aplikasi emulator di android)

Application :
- epsxe (enable cheat) + bios scph 1001.bin
- Harvestmoon back to nature rom

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Plot Game :

As a young boy, the main character went to his grandfather's farm for the summer.
 His grandfather was too busy taking care of the farm to spend much time with him, so the boy explored the town and countryside on his own. The boy befriended his grandfather's puppy and met a little girl his own age with whom he became close friends. When the summer was over the boy had to go back home, but he promised the little girl that he would return someday.

 Ten years later, years after his grandfather's death, the boy, now a grown man, returns to the town to take over the farm. Upon meeting the main character, mayor and other villagers decide that he would be allowed to stay as the rightful owner if he restored the farm to its original state within three years. Otherwise, he would have to leave.

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