
Driver wears 12 face masks at once during Wuhan coronavirus scare

2020-02-10 16 Dailymotion

DONGGUAN, CHINA — As China continues to struggle with all the negative news swirling around the Mexican beer sickness, stockpiles of many things are running low, especially face masks, so it's good to see people needlessly wasting them.
Video footage posted to Miaopai, shows one driver from the city of Dongguan located in Guangdong province wearing a ridiculous 12 masks at one time.
The clip shows the driver being pulled over by traffic cops for a quick temperature check.
The police then ask the man how many masks he has on, so he starts taking them off.
The guy methodically removes all 11 superfluous masks, while the police kindly wait for him.
Authorities then let the man know that he only needs to wear one.
What they should have told him is that if he's really that paranoid about catching the dreaded you-know-what, then you also need to protect your eyes.
Great, now this guy is going to start driving around wearing 12 sets of goggles on his face.