
Aranhas - Penamacor, Festa das Varas do Fumeiro a 26-1-2020

2020-01-27 6 Dailymotion

Aldeia das Aranhas, Concelho de Penamacor, Distrito de Castelo Branco, e as suas Festas onde o Fumeiro é Tradicional e animado, ver Reporter da RTP...
-Spider Village, Penamacor County, Castelo Branco District, en de feesten waar de roker is traditioneel en levendig, zie RTP Reporter ...
-Spider Village, Penamacor County, Castelo Branco District, and its Feasts where the Smoker is Traditional and lively, see RTP Reporter...
-Araignées Village, Penamacor County, Castelo Branco District, et ses fêtes où le fumeur est traditionnel et animé, voir RTP Reporter…