
TIBETAN BOWL - Sound for relaxation , meditation , healing , calming - Buddhist , Asia zen tao 冥想 瞑想 تأمل meditación meditação медитация ধ্যান ध्यान meditasi ਸਿਮਰਨ meditazione meditatie meditasyon Tibet التبت 西藏 التبت 티벳 チベット Tibete Тибет तिब्बत تبت

2020-01-15 13 Dailymotion

Hello , thank you for watching and listening.
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I try to recreate an ambience from nature , places or moments to relax and to remember holydays, feel zen ....

Nature offers diverse inspiration from forests , rivers , beaches , mountains , waterfalls , coasts , seas , oceans , woods , meadows , trees , streams , palms , parks , bushes , lakes , gardens , desert , tropical ...

Sounds from nature: wind , waves , streams , rivers , lapping water , waterfalls , water falling , bubbles , storms , thunder , hurricanes , rains , hail , snows , fires , campfires , crackling fire ....

Inspiration also come from diverse animals like birds , seagulls , pelicans , owls , races , dogs , insects , bugs , crickets , cats , wolves bats, toads , frogs ...

Continents, regions, countries and cities too inspire: France , Mexico , Spain , Caribbean , Europe , South America , North America , United States , California , India , Pakistan , Paris , Latin America ...

Diverse activities: kayak , car , boat , train , harbor , seaport ...

Moments like night , day , evening , afternoon , morning ...

Four seasons : spring , summer , autumn and winter .

Some videos can help to sleep if you have insomnia , bad night , bad sleep , or you are nervous , upset , angry , stressed ...

Some videos can help for depression , sadness , anxiety , burn-out , stress , depressed ....

Some videos can help with shiatsu , yoga , tai chi chuan , do in , reiki , chakra , mantra , relaxation , massage , meditation , qi gong , acupuncture , gi qong , ki kong , magnetism ....

And some videos can please a Buddhist , Hunduist , Jainist , Sikhism , Taoist , Yogist ....

I can create sounds too: dogs barking to protect a home, house , hangar , building , flat .... happy atmosphere if you are sad , alone ...

I hope to continue to make relaxing and zen videos , and you will enjoy a peaceful moment .

Thank you .

TIBETAN BOWL - Sound for relaxation , meditation , healing , calming - Buddhist , Asia zen tao 冥想 瞑想 تأمل meditación meditação медитация ধ্যান ध्यान meditasi ਸਿਮਰਨ meditazione meditatie meditasyon Tibet التبت 西藏 التبت 티벳 チベット Tibete Тибет तिब्बत تبت

Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from www.videvo.net