
Tips to get clear healthy skin-Get rid of acne & blemishes permanently-Life long permanent solution

2019-12-20 0 Dailymotion

Hi Friends
My name is Sunita Sharma. Im creating this channel to share my journey with you all. Actually my skin was not bad since beginning but due to some unhealthy habbits i have been through alot and faced alot of skin issues. Then i decided to understand my body and started taking care of myself after understanding my body needs and my husband hepled me alot in this. After doing some lifestyle and healthy changes im seeing a good difference in my skin quality.This journey is still going and i wanted to share this with all of you what i have learned.So you can fix yourself easily after understanding your body needs.Im not a professional dietician or doctor but will share what worked for me as im a fitness enthusiastic and constant learner. So if you are also facing skin related problems like acne blemishes etc please stay tuned. Might be i will be able to help.
Disclaimer;- The information provided on this channel can not be considered as professional advice.

Disclaimer:- Information and remedies provided on this channel are general and can not be considered as professional advice.

#tipsforclearskin #getridofblemishes #skincaretips #clearglowinghealthyskin
Email:- [email protected]