
BuBu ChaCha - Episode #03: "Buddy ha paura dei fantasmi" ("The ghost apartment"/"アパートに幽霊")

2019-12-10 158 Dailymotion

-Episode with the original Japanese dub (credits to @コイウ aka Khoiu さん): https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33682880

-Synopsis (with spoilers): http://www.bubuchacha.com/e/story/story03.html

This video was originally uploaded to YouTube by user @N Miraculous, but was apparently deleted due to unfair copyright rules. Go and support his/her channel, please: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7mXNh351cbcYECtGsmfdRw/videos

I don't own "BuBu ChaCha", nor "Daisuki! BuBu ChaCha". "BuBu ChaCha" and "Daisuki! BuBu ChaCha" are all owned by Daume, Japan Digital Entertainment, NHK and TV TOKYO Corporation, and by their main creators, Tetsurō Amino, Katsuhiko Nozawa, Akira Okeya and Goji Tsuno.

The upload of this video does not have any kind of profit motive. Anyone who tries to distribute this video with the intention of obtaining some kind of economic gain will be reported and denounced.