
Full version Blended Leadership: Nine Beliefs of the Online School Leader Review

2019-12-05 1 Dailymotion

Under-recognized and increasingly important, online leadership shapes what our schools are and what our schools will become. This is a book about organizational leadership, framed through the lens of school leadership. The savviest leaders understand that, increasingly, leadership happens in a mix of online and offline spaces. They take this condition as reality, and an inspiring one at that. The book covers everything from the leadership canon (Drucker and servant leadership, for example) to newer imperatives (design thinking and content marketing, for example) and detail the work of many school leaders across the country. It focuses on six core practices for leading online, and off: - Belief #1. Blended Leaders engage with thought leaders and engage as thought leaders.- Belief #2: Blended Leaders design spaces and care for spaces.- Belief #3: Blended Leaders reject insularity and embrace sharing.- Belief #4: Blended Leaders challenge meeting structures and change meeting structures.- Belief #5: Blended Leaders articulate a mission and advance a mission.- Belief #6: Blended Leaders keep the off-ramp open and use it frequently. We cover everything from the leadership canon (Drucker and servant leadership, for example) to newer imperatives (design thinking and content marketing, for example) and detail the work of many school leaders across the country.