
Final Cut Pro X — What's New in Final Cut Pro X 10.4.7?

2019-11-23 5 Dailymotion

A close look at the Final Cut Pro X 10.4.7 Update: even more performance and more features!

This most recent Final Cut Pro X Update squeezes even more Performance and raises compatibility and user-friendliness​ out of your current hardware and the next macOS: Catalina.

What may seem like an overall unspectacular update to some, this update brings ambitioned users some serious relief with things such as playback, rendering, compositing, realtime effects, export, editing of HDR material and more!

I’ve looked deeply into various aspects of this update, for example, the work with ProRes RAW, what it means for eGPUs and more to bring you yet another free tutorial showing all aspects and details.

I show you even the little things such as changes in the system requirements to differences with Mojave vs Catalina with various practical examples.

This video is not just for Final Cut experts, but rather for anyone looking for a simple, concise, fast and compact way of staying up to speed with all the developments of this fast-moving app.

And, as always, any and all updates to Final Cut are joined by everything that’s worth mentioning about Motion and Compressor as well!

I hope you like what I’ve put together for you and appreciate any view, share or comment! Thanks in advance for watching!


Robin’s comprehensive Final Cut Pro X Training in German HERE:

German Infos and content surrounding Final Cut Pro X & Co. HERE:

Excerpts from the German FCP Training HERE:

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