
Minecraft - Top 5 New Survival Island Seeds You HAVE To Use! (Minecraft PS4, Xbox One, PS3,Xbox 360)

2019-11-16 2 Dailymotion

► Today I am going to be Showcasing the Top 5 New Survival Island Seeds You HAVE To Use in Minecraft! enjoy.

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Minecraft - Top 5 New Survival Island Seeds You HAVE To Use!
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Minecraft - Top 5 New Survival Island Seeds You HAVE To Use!

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❓All seeds and coordinates!
( All seeds MUST have find balanced seed ticked "OFF" and a have world size "CLASSIC" along with Biome scale on "LARGE")

Seed #5: -5344620585313625652
End Portal: X: 117, Y: 43, Z: 105,
Ocean Monument #1: X: 233, Y: 62, Z: -121,
Ocean Monument #2: X: 249, Y: 62, Z: 215,
Ocean Monument #3: X: 282, Y: 61, Z: 250,
Ocean Monument #4: X: -263, Y: 62, Z: -360,
Ocean Monument #5: X: -346, Y: 62, Z: 247,
ShipWrecks #1 X: 209, Y: 40, Z: 125,
ShipWrecks #2 X: -156, Y: 67, Z: -168,
ShipWrecks #3 X: -215, Y: 37, Z: 104,
Village #1 X: -178, Y: 67, Z: -391,

Seed #4: 1606637581659045901
End Portal: X: -94, Y: 41, Z: 156,
Ocean Monument #1: X: -296, Y: 62, Z: 310,
Ocean Monument #2: X: 136, Y: 62, Z: 294,
Ocean Monument #3: X: 86, Y: 62, Z: -89,
Ocean Monument #4: X: -138, Y: 62, Z: -313,
ShipWrecks #1 X: 115, Y: 55, Z: -326,
ShipWrecks #2 X: -378, Y: 54, Z: -382,
Village #1 X: -251, Y: 71, Z: -209,

Seed #3: 8315216779961263139
End Portal: X: -144, Y: 36, Z: 177,
Ocean Monument #1: X: 23, Y: 62, Z: 278,
Ocean Monument #2: X: -376, Y: 62, Z: 374,
Ocean Monument #3: X: -328, Y: 62, Z: -170,
Ocean Monument #4: X: 167, Y: 62, Z: -327,
ShipWrecks #1 X: 72, Y: 40, Z: -173,

Seed #2: -6793707294919850576
End Portal: X: -87, Y: 39, Z: 24,
Ocean Monument #1: X: 249, Y: 62, Z: -312,
Ocean Monument #2: X: 153, Y: 62, Z: 120,
Ocean Monument #3: X: -170, Y: 62, Z: -360,
Ocean Monument #4: X: -263, Y: 62, Z: 312,
ShipWrecks #1 X: 205, Y: 54, Z: -173,
ShipWrecks #2 X: -109, Y: 61, Z: -96,
Village #1 X: 355, Y: 66, Z: 84,
Village #2 X: -416, Y: 64, Z: 35,

Seed #1: -448274050135665
End Portal: X: 71, Y: 33, Z: 152,
Ocean Monument #1: X: -282, Y: 62, Z: 200,
Ocean Monument #2: X: -199, Y: 62, Z: -232,
Ocean Monument #3: X: 22, Y: 62, Z: 72,
Ocean Monument #4: X: 70, Y: 62, Z: -89,
ShipWrecks #1 X: -312, Y: 40, Z: -239,
ShipWrecks #2 X: 198, Y: 48, Z: 262,