
Holy Scriptural Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries - Recitation with song combined

2019-11-04 91 Dailymotion

[Surrender your guile to the Holy Spirit.] The Holy Scriptural Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries - Recitation with song combined, is presented in honor of the James Seifert family. The Sorrowful Mysteries:

The Agony in the Garden – Matthew 26:36-38, 40-41; Luke 22:41-44
The Scourging at the Pillar – Mark 15:1-2; John 19:1; John 18:36-38; Luke 23:16; Isaiah 53:3-5, 7
Crowning with Thorns – Mark 15:14-17; Matthew 27:24, 27-30; John 19:5, 15
Carrying of the Cross – Luke 9:23; Luke 23:26-28; John 19:17
The Crucifixion – Luke 23:34, 37, 42, 44-46; Matthew 10:22; Mark 15:34, 39; John 19:30; Psalm 46:11

Recitation of the Rosary is by students known only to God from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, U.S.A.


Kyrie Eleison, (Deschermeier) sung by the Saint Mary Men’s Choir in 1976 for The Centennial vinyl LP.

O Lord I am Not Worthy, sung by the Saint Joseph Church Youth Choir in 2018 (620 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 678116)

Jesu Redemptor - Branko Okmaca Zbor Umjetničke akademije, Osijek Pečuh, Dirige 19.Pecsi Nemzetkozi, majus 13-16, 2005, Kamarakorus Verseny nt: Berislav Jerković

Way of the Cross (Via Crucis) - Miserere Mei Deus composed by Gregorio Allegri. The song is an adaptation of Psalm 51, "Have mercy on me, O God..." Edward Higginbottom.

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross, sung by the Choir of Kings College, Cambridge, England, Stephen Cleobury, Benjamin Bayl. The hymn was written by Isaac Watts, and published in 1707. It is sung to the tune, “Rockingham,” composed by Edward Miller in 1790.

Photography in and around the Church of Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A., (May 1980 – 2019), and photography around Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto/Stations of the Cross to the west of Central Catholic High School, 4824 Tuscarawas Street West, Canton, Ohio (2010) by R.G. Herbst.

Le saint chapelet biblique - Mystères douloureux - Récitation avec chants combines.

L'agonie dans le jardin - Matthieu 26: 36-38, 40-41; Luc 22: 41-44
La flagellation au pilier - Marc 15: 1-2; Jean 19: 1; Jean 18: 36-38; Luc 23:16; Esaïe 53: 3-5, 7
Couronnement d'épines - Marc 15: 14-17; Matthieu 27:24, 27-30; Jean 19: 5, 15
Porter de la croix - Luc 9:23; Luc 23: 26-28; Jean 19:17
La crucifixion - Luc 23:34, 37, 42, 44-46; Matthieu 10:22; Marc 15:34, 39; Jean 19:30; Psaume 46:11

La récitation du chapelet est faite par des étudiants connus uniquement de Dieu de l’Université franciscaine de Steubenville, Ohio, États-Unis d’Amérique.


Kyrie Eleison (Deschermeier) chanté par le Saint Mary Men’s Choir en 1976 pour le disque vinyle The Centennial.
O Seigneur, je ne suis pas digne d'être chanté par la chorale des jeunes de l'église Saint-Joseph en 2018 (620 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapour 678116)
Jesu Redemptor - Branko Okmaca Zbor Umjetničke akademije, Osijek Pečuh, Dirige 19.Pecsi Nemzetkozi, majus 13-16, 2005, Kamarakorus Verset de: Berislav Jerković