
Holy Scriptural Rosary - Luminous Mysteries - Recitation with Songs combined

2019-10-22 18 Dailymotion

[Surrender your guile to the Holy Spirit.] The Holy Scriptural Rosary - Luminous Mysteries - Recitation with song combined, is presented in memory of Harold R. Conti, [Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice] Teacher, Saint Mary School, Massillon, Ohio, and Choirmaster and Organist, Church of Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A. The Luminous Mysteries:

The Baptism of Jesus – Matthew 3:1, 16-17; Mathew 28:19; John 1:23, 29, 33-34; Mark 1:7-8; Luke 4:1-2
The Wedding At Cana – John 2:1-11; Isaiah 27:2-3; Ephesians 5:31-32
Proclaiming the Kingdom – Matthew 4:17, Matthew 5:3, 6, 10, 44-45, Matthew 6:33; Luke 5:31-32; Luke 17:20-21; John 3:5; Mark 10:14-15
The Transfiguration – Luke 9:28, 30-31; Matthew 5:17, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 17:2, 5; Mark 8:31, Mark 9:9
The Institution of the Holy Eucharist – Luke 22:15, 19-20; Mark 14:22; John 6:51, 56, John 13:15, John 15:8; Daniel 3:40; Hebrews 4:16

Recitation of the Rosary is by students known only to God from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, U.S.A.


When John Baptized in Jordan’s River, The Baptism of the Lord Hymn, Brother Alphonsus Mary
Jesus Will Turn Your Water into Wine (original song) by Katherine Howell, copyright
God So Loved The World, J. Stainer, performed by the Men and Boys Choir of the Church of Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A.
The Lord Is My Shepherd, arranged by Harold R. Conti, Organist and Choirmaster, sung by the Men and Boys Choir of the Church of Saint Mary
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum, excerpt from the concert of Rifà i passi (“redo the steps”) in Saint Papoul Abbey/Church, Saint-Papoul, Occitanie, France.

Photography in and around the Church of Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A., May 1980 – 2019 by R.G. Herbst.

Le Saint Chapelet Biblique - Mystères Lumineux - Récitation avec chants combinés, est présenté à la mémoire de Harold R. Conti, [Professeur Ecclesia et Pontifice], École Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio, et chef de chœur et organiste, Église Sainte-Marie, Massillon , Ohio, USA Les Mystères Lumineux:

Le baptême de Jésus - Matthieu 3: 1, 16-17; Mathew 28:19; Jean 1:23, 29, 33-34; Mark 1: 7-8; Luc 4: 1-2
Le mariage à Cana - Jean 2: 1-11; Esaïe 27: 2-3; Éphésiens 5: 31-32
Proclamer le Royaume - Matthieu 4:17, Matthieu 5: 3, 6, 10, 44-45, Matthieu 6:33; Luc 5: 31-32; Luc 17: 20-21; Jean 3: 5; Marc 10: 14-15
La Transfiguration - Luc 9:28, 30-31; Matthieu 5:17, Matthieu 16:27, Matthieu 17: 2, 5; Marc 8:31, Marc 9: 9
L'institution de la Sainte Eucharistie - Luc 22:15, 19-20; Marc 14:22; Jean 6:51, 56, Jean 13:15, Jean 15: 8; Daniel 3:40; Hébreux 4:16

La récitation du chapelet est faite par des étudiants connus uniquement de Dieu de l’Université franciscaine de Steubenville, Ohio, États-Unis d’Amérique.


Quand Jean a baptisé à Jordan’s River, le baptême du Seigneur, hymne, frère Alphonse Marie
Jésus transformera votre eau en vin (chanson originale) de Katherine Howell, copyright
Dieu a tant aimé le monde, J. Stainer, interprété par le choeur d'hommes et de garçons d