
How Gyroscopic/Motion Controls can improve the Controller. - The Gyroscopic Controls Project

2019-10-11 6 Dailymotion

Motion Controls has been around for a long time, but it wasn’t until a certain game changes the way how players sees Motion Controls. So how does Gyro Controls works? This video will explain the usage of Gyro Controls and how it’s better than traditional Joysticks for certain genres.

Video chapters:

0:00 AL2009man Logo Watermark
0:01 Notch and George Broussard's Tweets
0:48 Introduction of Aim Assist
3:41 Introduction of Gyro Aim and Splatoon
4:50 The Introduction of Steam Controller and Discovery of Gyro Sensors
6:11 Gyro User Interface - On-screen Keyboard
7:13 Gyro User Interface - Menu Navigation
9:04 Gyro Gameplay - Mechanical Gameplay
11:03 Gyro Gameplay - Vehicle Steering
12:43 Gyro Gameplay - Camera
13:41 Gyro Camera - Portal 2
14:29 Gyro Camera - Gravity Rush 2
16:24 Gyro Camera - Sunset Overdrive
21:00 Gyro Camera - DOOM 2016
26:17 How to Enable Gyro Controls on Supported Games
27:06 How to Enable Gyro Controls to PC Gaming via Steam Input
28:45 Developer Feedbacks and Suggestions
31:50 Message to People who don't give Gyro/Motion Controls a chance
32:22 Outro


Steam Input API: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller
GyroWiki: http://gyrowiki.jibbsmart.com/
DS4 Gyro-Optimized Config: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saJE1URsT1bixVFKPRpq4ccnMIgOGaIZrFs4yqN7IEU/edit?usp=sharing

My Social Medias:

The AL2009man Website: https://al2009man.wixsite.com/beta
Streamlabs Donations: https://streamlabs.com/al2009man/v2/tip
[Quick Link] Twitter: https://twitter.com/AL2009man
[Quick Link] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/al2009man

Special Thanks to those guys
Jibb Smart / Gyro Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChNb9oOsI4ENJvHhCZAKFFg
Critical Input: https://www.youtube.com/user/CritComposer
RambleTan (formerly ExistentialEgg): https://www.youtube.com/RambleTan
Nerrel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZKyj7wDE51SMbkrRBT6SdA