
How to Reduce Stress In Large Crowds - Beat The Fear

2019-10-08 10 Dailymotion

Giant video display boards, human sized cartoon characters, subway stations, police on horseback, the Naked Cowboy, 42nd Street, massive New Year’s Eve celebrations… there’s only one Times Square. All this and being in the heart of New York City makes it an exciting destination … unless you have a fear of crowds. In this episode of Beat The Fear, host Joe Leonardo plunges himself into these streets at “the crossroads of the world” to test some techniques for dealing with the stress of being around so many people in such a small space.

With the help of fellow comedian and filmmaker Orli Matlow, they attempt to walk through the throng while discussing what they are both feeling, on the inside. “When I’m stressed, my head gets light, and it’s like being drunk without any of the fun,” Orli explains. “But my body feels like it’s being weighed down by rocks. It’s hard to strike a balance in the middle.”

Joe’s reaction to crowd stress is more mental than physical. “The biggest problem is that thought becomes irrational,” he shares. “It’s like your brain is screaming at you all the time even though you know you are safe and fine.”

It’s hard not be anxious just watching their discomfort as the cars and people and bustle and noise swirls around them. But, stick around. Joe and Orli both offer some suggestions about what they do when they feel that stressful feeling coming on. Who knows, it may work for you, too!

Follow Joe on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/imjoeleonardo

Learn more about Orli at: https://www.orlimatlow.com/

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