大島光義、通称雲八。あまり聞き覚えのない名前かもしれませんが、戦国時代、弓の腕前で大名(美濃国関藩主)に出世した武将です。この光義の凄いところは、その弓の実力もさることながら、出世の糸口となった信長に仕えたのが還暦近くだったこと。以後は秀吉や家康にも仕え、93歳にて関ヶ原合戦にも従ったという超がつくほどの遅咲き武将。異彩を放つ存在です。現代の還暦以上の人にもまだまだこれからだ! という希望を与えてくれる弓の名手、大島光義をご紹介します。
Mitsuyoshi Oshima, commonly known as Unpachi. The name may not be familiar to you, but during the Sengoku period, it was a warrior who was promoted to Daimyo (Minokuni lord) in the prowess of a bow. The great thing about Mitsuyoshi was that he served Nobunaga, who became a clue to his career, near his 60th birthday, in addition to his ability to use the bow. Later, he served as Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, and at the age of 93 he was a late-flowering warrior who was so superficial that he also followed the Sekigahara battle. It is a presence that gives off a different color. It's still more for people over the modern sixtieth birthday! Introducing Mitsuyoshi Oshima, a master of the bow who gives hope.
Taoyaka Internet Broadcasting Website: http: //taoyaka.at-ninja.jp/