
Invitation to Young generation from Islahee Jamaat and Aalmi Tanzeem-ul-Arifeen.

2019-09-12 1 Dailymotion

Invitation to Young generation from Islahee Jamaat and Aalmi Tanzeem-ul-Arifeen.
[ Explained By: His Excellency Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali Sb ]
In annual Melad e Mustafa SAWW & Haq Bahoo Conference, organized by Islahee Jamaat & Aalmi Tanzeem ul Arifeen, at Bhakkar.

For Complete Videos:

#InnerSelf #HumanBeing #Islam #SultanAhmadAli #MeladeMustafaSAWW #Congregation #Conference #HaqBahoo #SultanBahoo #IslaheeJamaat #Alarifeen #Bhakkar #Punjab #Pakistan