
The Fiend Bray Wyatt WWE Universal Championship Match LEAKED?! WrestleTalk News Aug. 2019

2019-08-28 378 Dailymotion

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The Fiend Bray Wyatt WWE Universal Championship Match LEAKED?! WrestleTalk News Aug. 2019

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The Fiend Bray Wyatt WWE Universal Championship Match LEAKED and more as Luke Owen Reviews the 16th July edition of WWE Smackdown LIVE! and Pete Quinnell takes us through the rest of the News for Wednesday 27th of August 2019...

Cesaro Appearing At NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff! - 6:33
AOP Raw Return Scrapped! - 7:40
Vince McMahon Tears Up SmackDown...Yet Again! - 8:42
The Fiend Advertised For Universal Title At HIAC! - 9:37
WrestleTalk Showcase Debuts On Monday! - 10:51

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Sources used for research:

Cesaro Appearing at NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff

WWE Considered an AOP Return on Raw

Vince McMahon Tears Up SmackDown...Yet Again

The Fiend Advertised for Universal Championship Match