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N. Korea continued nuclear activities at Yongbyon in 2018: IAEA

2019-08-21 6 Dailymotion

IAEA "北, 작년에도 영변서 핵활동 지속... 매우 유감스러워"

The International Atomic Energy Agency says North Korea continued its nuclear activities last year and has made some progress.
In a report it will submit to the UN General Assembly next month...., the IAEA said it found signs that the North's five-megawatt nuclear reactor in Yeongbyeon was operational until mid-August last year.
It was running intermittently until November, and not at all in December.
The agency also said... the North used steam superheaters in its reprocessing plant from late April to early May... and that centrifuge enrichment facilities were powered up as well.
The IAEA said those activities are a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions and are very regrettable.