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Oxygen Deficiency and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers & Therapy

2008-11-19 1 Dailymotion

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers-Autism
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So, how do you know if you are oxygen deficient? Oxygen deficiency includes, but is not limited to, the following signs and symptoms.
•General fatigue, insomnia
•Neurological headache, memory loss, forgetfulness, concentration difficulties, dizziness
•Psychological depression, anxiety, agitation, irritability, impatience, anger, aggressiveness, apathy, boredom, inactivity, unrealistic expectations, loss of ambition, foreboding
•Cardiovascular - chest pressure, palpitations
•Respiratory frequent sighing, breathing problems, yawning
•Gastrointestinal - swallowing difficulties, indigestion, gas, constipation, abdominal pain
•Musculoskeletal numbness, weakness, teeth grinding, joint pain, muscle tension
•Endocrine - decreased libido
•Immunity infections, accelerated aging, cancer
•Other - susceptibility to climate changes, reduced body temperature, most any diagnosed disease It is especially interesting to note that cancer does not grow in well-oxygenated environments. Anaerobic bacteria, viruses and fungi also can not survive in an abundance of oxygen. Microorganisms become more virulent when you are lacking oxygen. These signs and symptoms of oxygen deficiency are exacerbated by the following factors.
•High stress
•Excessive work in a modern sealed building
•Highly polluted environment
•Regular and heavy exercise
•Frequent air travel
•Smoke from smoking or second hand smoke
•Regular alcohol intake
•Lengthy daily commutes in congested traffic So, what can you possibly do about oxygen deficiency? Proper breathing techniques are helpful, but not enough. You also need to use a hyperbaric chamber!
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