
1.1 mil. tons of radioactive water to flow into East Sea in 1 year of Japan's release: Greenpeace

2019-08-14 5 Dailymotion

그린피스 "후쿠시마 방사능 오염수, 日 방류시 1년 내 동해로 유입될 것"

If Japan releases highly radioactive waste water from tanks in Fukushima, it will flow into South Korea's East Sea in less than a year.
A senior nuclear specialist at Greenpeace spoke at a press conference at Seoul's National Assembly earlier today.
Shaun Burnie stressed that the issue of radioactive waste water is the most serious subject he wanted to address.
While Tokyo Electric Power Company says it will run out of space to store the toxic water in three years, Burnie said there's space at the Fukushima plant to install additional tanks.
The expert highlighted that Seoul should request Tokyo to scrap its plan to discharge the toxic water.