
Suab Xim Xaus Hmoob Leeg Xeev by Txooj Muas Thoj

2019-08-11 77 Dailymotion

♡ Nyob zoo os, ntawm no kuv yog HMOOB ib yam, yog koj pom thiab saib kuv zaj video nov no thov pab nias Subscribe https://bit.ly/2NDW4qJ hab ib Share txhawb nqa pub rau kuv nawb.
☆ Ib tsoom saib mus hauv peb Website OkeABC no https://bit.ly/2InKmvW . Muaj ntau yam zoo saib thiab pab tau koj. Ua tsaug ntau nawb.
☆ Channel no OkeABC yuav muab tso tawm tag nrho peb hmoob cov kev lom zem thiab hmoob txuj ci: khawv koob, zaj tshoob, qeej, txiv xaiv, dab neeg, hu nkauj, yos hav zoov, nyuj sib nraus, khwv noj khwv haus,... rau ib tsoom tau saib. Yog li caw ib tsoom saib nrog kuv koom siab pab Subscribe channel no thiaj li tos txais tau cov video tawm tshiab os.
► If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used). Thank you!
♡ Tag: okeabc, hmong music, hmong movie, music, movie, hmong song, sad song, love song, bolero, hmong bolero, hmong movie, tawm tshiab, nkauj tawm tshiab, kho siab, movie tawm tshiab, lom zem, yos hav zoov, nyuj sib nraus, hunting, wild boar, tua npua teb, tua kauv, caum kauv, caum npua teb, tua mos lwj, tua sai, deer hunt, fishing, nuv ntses, tua ntses, cuab ntses, noj ntses, zaj tshoob, khawv koob, txiv xaiv, qeej, ntiv qeej, kho siab, zoo nkauj, khwv txiaj, remix.