
Laws Indian Constitution Needs... Like Now - POPxo

2019-08-07 25 Dailymotion

"Don’t you just hate it when someone is listening to loud music on their earphones in the metro and then starts to sing aloud in the most annoying voice ever? Or don’t you just get way too angry when you see men peeing on the road, right next to the wall? Like, hold it and go to a bathroom guys. After going through such situations or just seeing such things happening to you, don’t you ever wish that the Indian Constitution needs some laws for idiots like these?

Well at POPxo we asked different team members to come and tell us the most irritating thing they have ever seen or experienced. You will be surprised as to what they have to say. Watch this video to know what different laws would POPxo members would want in the constitution. What is the one law you would want?"

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