
I did not feel like I was going to be drunk in this game, drunk in my life I don't want to be like that.(VCB WHY CITY,part 3)

2019-07-29 4 Dailymotion

I did not feel like I was going to be drunk in this game, drunk in my life I don't want to be like that.
Nu simteam ca voi da de betivi si în jocul asta, beat în viața mea așa nu
Am aflat că VCB WHY City a apărut în aprilie 2019.Se pare că spre finalul acestui videoclip, gașca s-a întâlnit pentru a da o beție cruntă.
EN:I found out that VCB WHY City appeared in April 2019. It seems that at the end of this video, the gang came together to give a drunk party.
The persons that I want to thank you for green screen and sound effects use:
Reev Asw:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7HW4-_M7tfV2qsQpatuJsA
RTH CH:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3c-5A14bSP94ahaYRiMccg
Subscribe them, and me also!
Canalul de comedie(comedy channel):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD4_98WUQoX6JiEvp7ea8ow
Pagina de meme-uri(memes page):https://www.instagram.com/samoaradracu/
Translated version video(in English):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPA32YKVZY
Don't click on this!:https://bit.ly/2YrhbAW