
Cody Rhodes Thinks CM Punk RETURNING To WWE?! AEW On Chris Jericho Cruise?! | WrestleTalk News 2019

2019-07-29 3 Dailymotion

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Cody Rhodes Thinks CM Punk RETURNING To WWE?! AEW On Chris Jericho Cruise?! | WrestleTalk News July 2019
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The Rock N' Wrestling Rager at Sea has a part two, with even more AEW stars confirmed, there's more on the latest speculation surrounding CM Punk and AEW, or is he going back to WWE? All that and more on today's episode of the WrestleTalk News...

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Sources used for research:
AEW stars on cruise - https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2019/07/aew-executives-announced-for-chris-jericho-cruise-657814/
AEW on a boat? Jericho teases broadcast plans for cruise - https://www.mandatory.com/wrestlezone/news/1118591-chris-jericho-teases-broadcast-plans-for-cruise-bayley-challenges-trish-stratus?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chris-jericho-teases-broadcast-plans-for-cruise-bayley-challenges-trish-stratus
CM Punk says he’s still technically signed to UFC - https://comicbook.com/wwe/2019/07/28/cm-punk-ufc-status-next-fight-mma-future/
Cody Rhodes thinks CM Punk will go back to WWE - https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/cody-rhodes-i-wouldn-t-be-surprised-if-cm-punk-went-back-wwe
No plans for Punk in AEW, and not a work - https://lordsofpain.net/there-are-no-plans-for-cm-punk-to-sign-with-aew/