
Healthiest Muffins In The World. Tasty AND Healthy Is Finally Possible!

2019-07-25 9 Dailymotion

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Bookmark Article: http://www.hefty.co/raspberry-banana-muffins/


2 Bananas
4 Eggs
Raspberries (e.g. frozen)


Crush the bananas with a fork. Mash them really well until it's all mushy. Perfect!

Then add the eggs. And then combine it all thoroughly once more.

Lightly grease the muffin tray with some butter and place 2-3 raspberries in the bottom of each. If you use frozen raspberries, then a few more raspberries won't go astray.

Now pour the banana-egg mixture over then top.

Place in a preheated oven for around 12 Minutes at 390° Fahrenheit.

Once they turn golden-brown, they're finished. Give them a few minutes to cool and then: get 'em out!

Then it's time: Enjoy - and without a guilty conscious!