
Intense downpours and storms possible on Tuesday 071619

2019-07-16 0 Dailymotion

Good morning. Keep an umbrella handy as we are expecting passing showers across much of the country throughout the day and into tonight. Intense downpours and storms are possible at times so be aware.

Temperature-wise, we'll notice a rise in the mercury. It will be 3 to 4 degrees higher than yesterday, but passing showers will bring down highs a bit and thankfully we'll return to normal air quality.

The warm and humid weather will make a lot of us uncomfortable by the afternoon so let's take it easy and keeping hydrated is key.

Sunshine returns for Seoul on Wednesday but southern regions will see frequent showers later this week. Upper regions will have to endure high humidity under mostly sunny skies with warm highs. So we can expect to stay firmly between "muggy" and "tropical" for the time being.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.