
O melhor sumplemento comprovadamente anabolico_ o que é, como tomar e efeitos colaterais

2019-07-11 10 Dailymotion

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A L-carnitina quando usada corretamente, pode produzir tanto benefícios na performance do treino como no espelho. Na academia, você poderá ter mais energia e força. No espelho, mais massa muscular e menos gordura. Basta usá-la com sabedoria, que ela será uma grande ferramenta no seu arsenal para gerar hipertrofia.


Alvarez de Sotomayor M, et al. Effect of L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine on endothelial function of small mesenteric arteries from SHR. J Vasc Res. 2007;44(5):354-64.
Bacurau RF, et al. Does exercise training interfere with the effects of L-carnitine supplementation? Nutrition. 2003 Apr;19(4):337-41.
Bernard A, et al. L-carnitine supplementation and physical exercise restore age-associated decline in some mitochondrial functions in the rat. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Oct;63(10):1027-33.
Bloomer R, et al. Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine increases plasma nitrate/nitrite in resistance trained men. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2007 Dec 3;4:22.
Bloomer RJ, Tschume LC, Smith WA. Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine modulates lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide in human subjects. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2009 May;79(3):131-41.
Cavallini G, et al. Carnitine versus androgen administration in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, depressed mood, and fatigue associated with male aging. Urology. 2004 Apr;63(4):641-6.
Ferrari R, et al. Therapeutic effects of L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine on cardiovascular diseases: a review. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Nov;1033:79-91. Review.
Galloway SD, Craig TP, Cleland SJ. Effects of oral L-carnitine supplementation on insulin sensitivity indices in response to glucose feeding in lean and overweight/obese males. Amino Acids. 2011 Jul;41(2):507-15.
Garolla A, et al. Oral carnitine supplementation increases sperm motility in asthenozoospermic men with normal sperm phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase levels. Fertil Steril. 2005 Feb;83(2):355-61.
Karlic H, Lohninger A. Supplementation of L-carnitine in athletes: does it make sense? Nutrition. 2004 Jul-Aug;20(7-8):709-15.
Kraemer WJ, et al. The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Aug;17(3):455-62.
Lenzi A, et al. A placebo-controlled double-blind randomized trial of the use of combined l-carnitine and l-acetyl-carnitine treatment in men with asthenozoospermia. Fertil Steril. 2004 Jun;81(6):1578-84.
Malaguarnera M, et al. L-Carnitine treatment reduces severity of physical and mental fatigue and increases cognitive functions in centenarians: a randomized and controlled clinical trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec;86(6):1738-44.
Müller DM, et al. Effects of oral L-carnitine supplementation on in vivo long-c