
Fortbyte 40 Location Guide - Accessible With The Demi Outfit On A Sundial In The Desert

2019-07-07 21 Dailymotion

Located G8 on the FN Map!

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For most people, the hardest part about this Fortbyte isn’t going to be finding the thing: you’ll still need to find the thing, of course, but getting the outfit required to do it will take a whole lot of doing. We’re moving to the end of Season 9, and that means Epic has expected us to make some pretty substantial progress through the battle pass if we want to keep grabbing these Fortbytes. This one will require you to make it all the way up to Tier 87, and I have to imagine that the game will ask us to use the Tier 100 skin next. Read on for a map, guide and location for where to find Fortbyte #40: accessible with the demi outfit on a sundial in the desert.

To start with, we’re heading to the desert. No surprises there. You can sort of see the sundial from the map itself: there are a bunch of what look like little hash marks on one of the mountains down there. The mountain in question is just by the edge of the biome, in between Fatal Fields and Paradise Palms

The sundial also works as a clock for the “visit three clocks” challenges, though I didn’t realize that until a bit later, after it became clear that the clock in Happy Hamlet was bugged. Same goes for the sundial up by Sunny Steps, which is a bit more traditional. This is sort of a DIY project, with logs and trucks around the edges serving as the markers for time. I’m pretty sure there’s something in the middle, too, but by the time I had arrived in my game someone had already smashed it all up as a way of making their escape. Regardless, this is definitely the sundial, because the Fortbyte is up there.

visit different clock locations:

Grab that and you’ll be one step closer to unlocking the Singularity skin, which is just around the corner. I’m finally current with Fortbytes after reaching battle pass Tier 100, which means I’ve got 87 little microchips and I’m just three away from getting the big prize. I expect things are going to get pretty nutty in this game once that happens, so stay tuned. Next week we’re likely to get a fight between a giant robot and a giant monster, though it’s tough to say exactly what form that will take.

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