
New regulations requiring coffee shops to label caffeine content to be applied in 2020

2019-07-02 31 Dailymotion

커피전문점 고카페인 커피에 카페인 함량 표시 의무화

Coffee shops across the nation... will be required by law to disclose the caffeine content of their beverages... starting in the first half of 2020.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced the new measures on Tuesday... aimed at preventing caffeine overdose.
The new regulations stipulate... that warning labels must be attached to coffee drinks... containing more than Point-one-five milligrams of caffeine per milliliter.
For now,... the new regulation will only apply to coffee products made by food companies... and sold in either convenience stores or supermarkets.
However, with the change,... the rules will extend to coffee franchisees with more than 100 stores... and food service companies with more than 100 retail stores.