
French inventor sells pills to make your farts smell like roses

2019-06-27 10 Dailymotion

GESVRES, FRANCE — A French inventor has dedicated the past decade or so of his life to one thing and one thing only: making your toot smell good.

According to the Mirror, Christian Poincheval created a bizarre product called Pilule Pet — scented fart pills for those of us who parlez no Francais.

The nearly septuagenarian Poincheval, who calls himself the Cunning Imp, says the idea came about after a particularly windy dinner with friends made an unforgettable stench.

He began developing his pill in 2007, and now has a range of 'em in several different scents, from chocolate to roses, and even ginger.

The Imp claims the pills are made from organic stuff like blueberries, fennel, and seaweed, and is the result of lengthy research and trials.

Hmm, wonder how many nasty farts he had to sniff before he got it?

The pills have been on sale for over a decade, retailing for roughly21 bucks for a bottle of 60. They're especially popular around Christmas, it seems.

It's not just for humans anymore, either. Le Cunning Imp has also come up with a powder for pets so you don't have to endure your dog's suffocatingly horrible gas. Win win!