
Approach flight and landing in PRG Airport Prague, Czech Republic / Approche et atterrissage à l'aéroport de Prague / Anflug und Landung Flughafen Prag. UCZ088055

2019-06-25 2 Dailymotion

[DE] Der Airbus A319-112 OK-NEO der tschechischen Czech Airlines setzt zum Landeanflug auf den Flughafen Prag an. Flug OK 545 ist pünktlich in Hamburg gestartet und auf dem ganzen Flug störte keine Wolke die Sicht. Die Sequenz beginnt direkt an der deutsch-tschechischen Grenze.

[EN] The Airbus A319-112 OK-NEO of Czech Airlines is approaching Prague airport. Flight OK 545 has started punctually in Hamburg, Germany, and no cloud disturbed on the whole flight the view. The sequence begins directly at the German-Czech border.

[FR] L’Airbus A319-112 OK-NEO de Czech Airlines s’approche de l’aéroport de Prague. Le vol OK 545 a commencé à l'heure prévue à Hambourg, en Allemagne, et aucun nuage n'a perturbé la vue. La séquence commence directement à la frontière germano-tchèque.

[Flight detail] In the starting sequence, you can see the city of Most on the right-hand side of the picture and the thermal power station Počerady on the left. It follows in detail the flight route to the airport and in brackets the time when the named place can be seen in the middle of the picture. In the further flight you will see the villages Bečov and Skršín (00:12), followed by Bělušice (00:22) and Odolice (00:28). We follow for some moments the busy road 28. The next places are Raná (at the road 28), the airport Raná and Břvany (above, all 00:47). Next larger town is Lenešice (01:05) and at the bottom of the picture Dobroměřice (01:15). You can recognize clearly the course of the River Ohře, which also flows through the city Louny (01:26). The road passing south of the city is the 7 towards Chomutov (01:33). Next places are Jimlín (01:44), Líšťany (01:56), Zbrašín (02:00), Senkov (02:08), Brodec (below, 02:11), Břínkov (02:21), Úlovice (02:34), Ročov (02:38), Smilovice (02:49), Pochvalov (03:02), Kroučová (03:16), Řevničov (03:36), the Railway Museum in Lužná (04:01) and its homonym place Lužná (04:20), Rakovník (04:45), Kalubice (05:19), Velká Buková (05:35), Roztoky with the bridges over the Berounka and below Křivoklát (05:50). Shortly thereafter, the machine flies a left turn and now I have the sun on my side. When the plane returns to straight flight, you will see Nový Jáchymov (06:21) and Žloukovice with the railway bridge across the Berounka (06:32). Now with some sunshine on the window pane Nižbor (06:56), Chyňava (07:49), road 118 (08:13), Dědkův mlýn (08:32), Svárov (09:15), Červený Újezd (09:33), the air traffic control of the Czech Republic (10:28), the western industrial area of Jeneč (10:36) and the highway D6 (10:55). Shortly thereafter, our flight touches down on the runway 06 at the Václav Havel Airport in Prague, brakes and rolls under the sounds of the Vltava melody to the gate.