
Fortbyte 43 Accessible By Wearing The Nana Cape Back Bling Inside A Banana Stand

2019-06-24 71 Dailymotion

Today’s Fortbyte, #43 is something a little bit special because it requires you to have been making progress on the Fortbyte hunt for this entire season of Fortnite so far. #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape back bling inside a banana stand, so, how do you that, exactly?

First, you need to start with the cape. That requires not only the Bunker Jonesy skin, which unlocks at Fortnite battle pass tier 23, but then once you get him, that will unlock the Jonesy challenges which include getting the Nana Cape once you find 40 Fortbytes around the map. If you’ve been following our guides, you should have that by now, I would hope, but perhaps not.

Once you have the gross rotting peel cape in place, you need to find the banana stand, which is not some podunk little stand in the middle of nowhere, but actually a full-on building in Neo Tilted.

I always hate the Fortbytes that are in Neo Tilted because running in there and taking screenshots for guides is an utter madhouse with half the people getting the Fortbyte and the other half massacring the unarmed first half. Which is exactly what happened today.

Once you land at the stand, you need to head inside and hope the counter to find Fortbyte #43 sitting in the kitchen area. And if you don’t have the cape, you will only see a ghost image of it you can’t collect, so make sure you have it on.

Here’s where this location is on the map if that helps you locate it. Just one street up from the very southwest of Neo Tilted

Once you have it, prepare for a fight. Everyone in the photo above was killing by one guy shortly after it was taken. I escaped with my life to snap screenshots of the outside of the building, and was promptly pickaxed to death after about eight seconds.

Also I managed to get through this entire post without making a single Arrested Development joke. There are always Fortbytes in the banana stand? Eh, I’ll keep working on it.

Go find it yourself and try not to commit peely cape genocide when you’re there, people just tryna get some Fortbytes, folks.

#Fortnite #Fortbyte43 #Trending