
10min Refresher- Binaural Brain wave entrainment

2008-11-07 845 Dailymotion

Certain frequencies are associated with certain states of mind, For example, the alpha frequency of 8Hz to 12Hz is present when individual is in the 'zone' so to speak..This frequency however is only usually obtained through meditation... We can however replicate such frequencies in an attempt to adopt that frame of mind, thanks to a German experimenter H.W Dove, he discovered in 1839, that by playing 2 coherent sounds of similar frequencies into each ear could be made to produce a third "binaural beat" at the desired frequency. For example; by placing a tone of 400Hz to the right ear and a tone of 410Hz to the left, inside the head the difference between th tones is realized producing a third beat of 10Hz... This is a powerful tool both to experienced meditator or for someone just beginning, it serves to set one's mind and train it to get used to the desired brainwave and you can discard it after and just meditate per normal. Enjoy Theta brainwave- 8- 10Hz "thought become things" http://www.lifepathpro.com/hbpage.php?f=&PHPSESSID=3dbd91421c884c97e714a8f9fca50f40&id=B11092558&password=rafts3 http://theprosperousyou.com