
FORTBYTE 48 Accessible By Using The Vox Pickaxe To Smash The Gnome Beside A Mountaintop Throne

2019-06-19 45 Dailymotion

Well today’s Fortbyte is a mouthful. Fortbyte #48 is “accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.”
It almost sounds like some bit of fantastical poetry—or the recipe to break a witch’s curse. If you wish to break the curse of the evil bone, smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne

Of course, there are no curses in Fortnite, but there are Fortbytes aplenty. One-a-day until the entire portrait of Bunker Jonesy’s bizarre painting—

—is revealed in all its pink glory.
( Located D-9 on The FN Map
1. Equip Vox Pix axe
2. Head to D-9
3. SMASH the Gnome
4. Collect the fortbyte

So where to find today’s Fortbyte #48? Well, there are thrones in Fortnite—the Ice King and Fire King each have one—and then there are thrones. Which is to say, there are toilets, and yes there are even toilets on mountaintops.

The throne in question is of the porcelain variety, and can be found on a mountaintop in the snow biome. There’s a gnome next to it that needs smashing if you want to collect Fortbyte no.48

You’ll need to come equipped with the Vox pickaxe. That’s a harvesting tool in the Season 9 Battle Pass unlocked at Tier 55. That’s pretty high up there, though we are only a few weeks from the end of the season, so if you’ve been keeping up with challenges you should be at Tier 55 or higher already, or at the very least close.Smash the gnome with the Vox pickaxe and collect your Fortbyte.
The end of Season 9 is fast approaching, and any day now we should see the start of the 14 Days Of Summer, which comes with its own 14 challenges and rewards. Happy hunting out there, Fortniters!!!

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