
Herd of curious cows flock over and quietly listen to man singing Irish folk ballad

2019-06-13 21 Dailymotion

This beautiful scene shows a herd of cows making their way over to a man singing an old folk ballad in Kinsale, Ireland.

Filmed on May 28, Adam Gossett is seen projecting his voice to a large group of cows in the distance.

As Gossett continues singing "Fields of Athenry", the cows one-by-one make their way over and start quietly listening to the ballad.

Wendy, Adam's wife, told Newsflare: "We actually discovered this 'phenomena' in February when our girls were singing while walking across a field in Cashel.

"The cows came closer and closer for a listen. Ever since then we keep trying it out when we come across a field of cows.

"Adam’s brother in law was visiting us from Los Angeles and so we stopped when we saw the cows so we could show him our 'new trick'.

"At first I wasn’t sure it would work this time but sure enough one by one they all came over. My brother in law, Christian Gossett, and I can be heard cracking up in the background of the video.

"It’s hard not to laugh when you see them all start flocking towards Adam. Obviously, these cows know a good voice when they hear it!"