
Text To Send Your Ex: Texts You Should NEVER Send Your Ex

2019-06-10 37 Dailymotion

If you're wondering what's the best text to send an ex after a breakup, then I've got some bad news for you right from the start.

The truth is there is no single, magical text that can instantly solve all of your relationship problems. No set of magical words that will get rid of the anger, hurt, and frustration and make your ex come crawling back to you by tomorrow morning.

The best text to send an ex after a breakup is actually a combination of texts, each with a specific purpose, sent out over time that slowly open your ex up to the idea of being with you again. Remember, getting your ex back is a marathon, not a sprint.

The last thing you want to do is go charging in, thumbs blazing, and blast out dozens of texts to your ex explaining how sorry you are and how much you love them and can't live without them. Begging, pleading, and sounding desperate rarely work to win back an ex regardless of whether you use text messages or not.