
Chinese warships load up with Australian baby formula

2019-06-10 25 Dailymotion

SYDNEY — It appears that three Chinese warships spotted in Sydney Harbor on Monday morning were there for an ultra-highly classified military operation—they were dispatched to pick up some milk.

Photographs taken by the Australian show elite Chinese soldiers carrying boxes of Australian baby formula from a van, in addition to tons of whitening sheet face masks.

According to the Australian, People's Liberation Army hacks were seen loading dozens of A2 platinum and Aptamil formula aboard the mighty fighting vessels.
Ever since China's poison baby formula scandal in 2008, Chinese consumers have snatched up U.S., Australia and Europe made baby formula like they are the latest Jordans.
But now in the midst of Trump and Beijing's trade war, Chinese authorities are trying to wean consumers off better quality baby formula, by improving made in China formula. Sure—what could possibly go wrong?

Because of the massive Chinese demand, many Australian supermarkets and pharmacies often experience formula supply shortages.

According to News.com.au, Chinese websites that deal in black market baby formula, buy it abroad and then sell it in China for super inflated prices.
Who knows, maybe Beijing's South China Sea fake islands scheme is just part of some master baby formula smuggling ring.