
Who died in Game of Thrones' battle of King's Landing and who survived - The full list

2019-05-13 206 Dailymotion

In a horrifying episode Daenerys and her last dragon effortlessly torch a fleet, an army, the walls of King’s Landing, and every last dragon-killing scorpion on land and sea. Then she abandons all the principles she’s been fighting for all this time, and King’s Landing becomes an atrocity-filled war zone, with thousands of innocent civilians wiped out, the city destroyed, and some of Game of Thrones’ most prominent characters falling in the fray mostly by Drogon flames!

King’s Landing
King’s Landing as we know it is completely destroyed thanks to Dany who seeks revenge for the death of her dragon Rhaegal and her friend and advisor Missendei and laying waste to everything and everyone in sight.

Harry Strickland — the commander of the Golden Company — and most of his forces

So much for the Golden Company being a formidable force in the battle for the Iron Throne. When confronted with Drogon’s firepower, these mercenaries fled and so did Harry.

Varys died horribly — he was burned to death by Dany’s last remaining dragon, Drogon — after he betrayed Daenerys and was betrayed to her, in turn, by his dear friend, Tyrion Lannister.

Euron Greyjoy
Euron sealed his own fate by taunting Jaime Lannister into a brutal sword fight. Even though he badly wounded Jaime, Jaime ultimately rallied and delivered a fatal sword wound through Euron’s chest.

The Mountain swatted Qyburn, instantly breaking his neck, because he was standing in the way of Cleganebowl.

Sandor and Gregor Clegane, a.k.a. the Hound and the Mountain
The Hound and Arya traveled into King’s Landing together to seek their respective revenges — she on Cersei, he on his brother the Mountain.

In a beautifully filmed sequence, the two brothers fought amid collapsing towers and turrets, until finally Sandor realized that his brother, who Qyburn had effectively turned into a zombie after he was wounded by Oberyn Martell’s poison-tipped spear in season four, was unkillabl. So the Hound hurled himself and the Mountain off the castle edge into the flames far below.

Jaime and Cersei Lannister
Though Jaime and Cersei were almost able to escape through the crypt tunnels beneath the Red Keep, they realized too late that the exits were blocked by fallen rubble, leaving them with nothing to do but cling to each other as the walls collapsed around them. And so Jaime and Cersei died in each other’s arms.

The following people are also alive — apart from Daenerys:
Jon Snow/ Aegon Targaryen
Arya Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Grey Worm
Ser Davos
Everyone at Winterfell or elsewhere