
Must Know Tips For First-Time Car Buyers - Insurance Navy Auto Insurance

2019-05-07 7 Dailymotion

Know What You’re Getting Into

If you haven’t ever owned a car before, for goodness sake, don’t get a new one. What are you, a Kardashian? You’re going to damage your new car, period! If your new car has already been used, then the damage won’t be nearly so impacting. You want a first car to be one that’s already at the end of its life cycle, and for a number of reasons.

For one, you’re going to bump into things. No matter how well you practice and prepare, as you drive, you’ll get into situations where you’re not quite sure what to do, or you misjudge. No one is exempt from human error, and with a vehicle that tops out past eighty miles an hour, and is around thousands of other such vehicles driven by equally imperfect individuals, there are definitely going to be mistakes made.

You’ll be turning left into a do-it-yourself car wash, and incidentally scrape off the trim on a cement guard pole that you didn’t notice in your periphery. Sometimes you’re going to back into things like trees or walls or other motorists. You’ll forget to change the oil, and end up having a close call once or twice. You’re going to get traffic tickets. And your insurance is going to be high.

Insurance Idiosyncrasies

No matter how old you are, if you’re a first-time car owner, there’s a likelihood such non-existent driving history will be reflected in your insurance. That said, the older you are when you buy a car, the lower your rate is likely to be. Teenagers will pay north of a hundred dollars a month at minimum, whereas those older than 25 experience a discount. It won’t be as much if you’re a first-time car owner, but it will still likely be better than what a sixteen-year-old is going to get.

The reason for this is that statistically, older individuals are less likely to have accidents; and insurance companies are statistically inclined. They’ve found that most drivers will statistically file a claim once every eighteen years or so.

Value Considerations

Another reason you want to buy a used car as your first vehicle is value. If you buy a new car, it depreciates the moment it is offloaded from the truck it came in on. That depreciation only continues. But if you buy a used car, though you won’t see its value increase, you may find the vehicle pays for itself more quickly.

All these things being said, you don’t want to get an absolute “beater”; not unless you’ve got no other choice. It’s better to get one in this range: try to find something under 100k miles—up to 150k can still be pretty qualitative. Look for something that outright is listed at under $10k. Ideally, you’re looking at something in the $2k to $5k range.

Our agents and customer service representatives are here to help. Call us today at 1-888-949-6289 or visit your nearest Insurance Navy Auto Insurance location. For your convenience, Insurance Navy is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CST, 7 days a week.


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