
Rain through the night, bright weekend ahead _ 042619

2019-04-26 1 Dailymotion

날씨: 밤까지 산발적 비, 주말 맑음

Strong winds have developed along with rain... causing the temperature to drop to a single digit reading in Seoul.
Not my kind of weather on a Friday,...
For details, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
Hi guys, the rain isn't too bad, we've seen showers on and off throughout the day.
But more rain is expected to fall throughout Friday night,... especially on the east coast and in the southern regions.
Saturday will be mild with lots of sunshine,... and all of that sun will bring the highs back into double-digit readings.
At the same time, clouds will hover over Beijing,... while Tokyo continues to be drenched with rain.
Due to the cold wind coming in from the northwest,... it's going to be a chilly morning.
Seoul's low dipping down to 7 degrees Celsius, while Chuncheon drops down to 4 degrees.
The temperature will rebound into the afternoon.
The nation's high will peak between 16 to 20 degrees,... Seoul's expected to reach 17 degrees.
A frequent rain pattern is expected for our 5-day outlook.
Expect showers to be moderate with temperatures at seasonable levels.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.