

2019-04-25 13 Dailymotion

Smartphone Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is caused by the constant usage of smartphones, or it can be simply called as smartphone addiction that leads to insomnia, Stress, and anxiety among many other things.
The idea of staying connected 24 by 7 has caused the stress to be increased to a new level. Due to this executives and professionals are spending much more time on smartphones and tablets by checking and responding to emails and messages, socializing with others. The smartphone OCD is slowly turning into a type of epidemic diseases.
A 2015 report by global workplace provider Regus showed that with the arrival of smartphones work is increasingly interrupting family life. This has affected the balance between work and life to a great extent as people have started taking the work matters out of the office more frequently as compared to earlier times.
A July 2015 Gallup poll of 15,747 adult smartphone users found that half of the people check their phone a few times every hour (41%) or every few minutes (11%). When they examined 18- to 29-year-old smartphone owners, those figures increased to 51% checking a few times an hour and 22% checking every few minutes.
The following are the impacts of Smartphone OCD
1)Anxiety and depression
2)Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
3)Sleep disturbances
4)Lack of concentration and poor Productivity
Due to this OCD people start complaining about not having enough time to spend with family. It starts affecting our sleep Cycle, Work Productivity etc. It can cause the stress level to go very high unless we make a conscious effort to take some time off.
How we can overcome the Smartphone OCD in few simple steps
1)Switch off the cell phones while at home
2)Keep a proper time schedule so as to when to check the phone during the day
3)Stay cut off with internet and all the emails when you are holidaying with family and friends