
N. Korean leader given new title of "supreme representative of all Korean people," sign of greater power

2019-04-15 10 Dailymotion

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has further tightened his grip on power by bestowing himself yet another title.
This time: "supreme representative of all Korean people."
Analysts say the new title indicates Kim's growing confidence about his influence both inside and outside North Korea.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has added "supreme representative of all the Korean people" to his long list of titles,... a sign of granting more authority to the young leader.
Describing Kim's re-election as the chairman of the State Affairs Commission,... the state-run Korean Central News Agency explained he also assumes the post of the supreme representative of all the Korean people and the supreme leader of the Republic.
Previously, the chairman of the State Affairs Commission was only referred to as the "supreme leader" of the republic.
Analysts suggest there may have been a constitutional revision to give Kim Jong-un greater control over the totalitarian state.
While the regime said it revised the Constitution during the two-day parliamentary session held late last week,... no further details were disclosed.
Some pundits also say Kim's new title could be related to the fact he was not among the 687 deputies newly elected to the rubber-stamp parliament,... which was the first time in the regime's history that the top leader has not held a seat in the Supreme People's Assembly.
Although it's not yet clear exactly how Kim's role will be expanded,... it's certain the new title suggests greater influence at home and abroad.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.