
Cellar Sessions: Tim Pourbaix May 8th, 2018 City Winery New York Full Sessions

2019-04-09 6 Dailymotion

Tim Pourbaix sits down for a One On One Session at City Winery New York on May 8th, 2018. For more info visit: http://www.timpourbaixmusic.com Audio & Video by: Ehud Lazin

My Next Move
All I Want For Me Is You

The music of Tim Pourbaix (pronounced ‘pour-bay’) is that secret worth sharing. That rare artist, whose voice and songcraft sound instantly familiar. A master solo performer from the backroom parlors of Brooklyn steps forward with a fully articulated, fourteen song, full-band masterpiece entitled, ‘River Well’. Simply elegant in their construction, Tim’s songs paint a dreamscape worth multiple visits.