
Woman with two wombs delivers twins a month after first birth

2019-04-01 73 Dailymotion

KHULNA, BANGLADESH — A Bangladeshi woman gave birth to twin bundles of joy just a month after delivering her first child, thanks to a second womb she never knew she had.

A doctor told the BBC that Arifa Sultana had given birth to a premature baby boy in late February.

Just 26 days later, the 20-year-old complained of stomach pains and was rushed to the hospital, where doctors discovered that she was pregnant with twin babies in a second uterus.

An emergency C-section was performed to get the twins — a boy and a girl — out. Luckily both were healthy, and left the hospital with mom after a four-day stay.

The official name for having two uteruses is uterus didelphys, and it's apparently not that rare, at least according to one gynecologist in Singapore.

He says it's likely that three eggs ovulated and were fertilized at the same time, which then resulted in three embryos.

An ultrasound could've easily detected the double wombs and the babies in them, but Sultana was very poor, and never had one done.

According to an AFP report cited by the BBC, the woman's husband earns about $95 a month as a laborer. But despite the financial burden of having three newborns, the couple are happy with what they say is a "miracle from Allah."