
Alternative Brexit options rejected and Theresa May pledges to quit

2019-03-28 10 Dailymotion

The British Parliament had eight non-binding votes on alternative Brexit options.... after Parliament took control of the Brexit process.
And British Prime Minister Theresa May has offered to step down.... IF Parliament approved her twice-rejected divorce deal.
Hong Yoo with the latest.
After the lawmakers spent hours seeking an alternative way out of the current Brexit deadlock, all eight of the proposed alternative routes were rejected.
British MPs failed to give a clear majority to any of the 8 alternative Brexit options considered in the House of Commons.
Among the 8 options, the non-binding vote calling for a second referendum received the most support, while a permanent customs union came closest to passing.
As the Brexit deadline nears, Theresa May was forced to tell Conservative lawmakers on Wednesday that she would step down if Parliament approved her twice-rejected EU withdrawal deal.
She told them she will make way for another Conservative leader so lawmakers could complete their "historic duty" and "deliver on the decision of the British people and leave the European Union with a smooth and orderly exit."
May did not mention the date she would step down, but if she can get the deal approved before March 29th, then the UK will enter the implementation period as outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement on May 22nd which means that she would resign before then.
Her gambit came as her advisers urged her resignation as the only way to get enough votes to pass the deal as many Conservatives have been frustrated with her leadership and say a new leader is needed to lead the next phase of talks with Brussels.
But May's deal is still uncertain as she will need to change the minds of 75 MPs.
Hong Yoo, Arirang News.