
Simulated Reality - THIS is How They Fake Shootings and Terror Events like Orlando

2019-03-05 3 Dailymotion

We found this video produced by ODD TV, and decided to re-upload it here to let more people see and understand what’s going on behind their backs.
The video starts with a clip from the “Matrix” movie, where Morpheus tells Neo:
“This is the worlds that you know. World as it was at the end of the 20th century. It exists not only as interactive neural simulation that we call the Matrix.
You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today.”
The example of simulated reality here is Orlando Pulse Night Club shooting.
How the reality is simulated, is demonstrated on example of CrisisCast.com - a company that specialized in staged crisis events.
They staged this event, and collected millions of dollars in donations to “Support Victims of Pulse Shooting”! Other staged events include:
- Sandy Hook school shooting,
- San Bernardino attack,
- Virginia Tech shooting,
- 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, …
All these were carried out by the Government, and what folks are hearing on TV are complete lies.
In case of Orlando hoax, they chose a Gay Bar to lionize and to promote because they’re pushing forward the Gay Agenda and want to make homosexual appear to be victims in this situation, and make them appear also heroes in this situation.
This is how they do is – they’ll push forward these crazy psychological operations, where the government is staging shootings, and then blame it on the people and act as if everyone has lost their mind, when really it is the government who is psychopathic, and certainly not the people.
The government is controlling by force, which is not the rule of law. They’re violating article 3 Section 3 of this document, which is TREASON.