
My 90 Day Challenge Day 30 (Renewing My Vows!)

2008-10-17 1 Dailymotion

Check this out http://www.theohanasecret.com/x.php?a=r&id=21988_1470 30 Days ago I took on a 90 day challenge to better 3 areas of my life. The first thing is my relationship with my daughter. Time seems to fly by when your a parent and I realized my daughter is 16 and I have not spent one on one quality time in a while with her. Second I want to increase my prosperity or income. I have chosen to start a direct mail marketing campaign to see if I can aquire 5 new clients with in 90 days. And third I want to grow in my spirituality by practicing more in the talent of giving and compassion. In this video I explain my challenge in giving in more detail. Here are some KEY TOPICS included in my dialog: mlm goldmine 90 day challenge facebook marketing home business opportunity training leads secrets mind thought spirituality relationships Offline marketing Direct mail