
Shia LaBoeuf On Falling In Love While Hitchhiking

2019-03-04 5 Dailymotion

Shia LaBoeuf On Falling In Love While Hitchhiking
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Shia LaBeouf, Nastja Säde Rönkkö, and Luke Turner attended a Manchester Film Festival 2018 screening of documentary film Take Me Anywhere charting the 2016 art project that saw the trio spend 30 days hitchhiking around America. LaBeouf, Rönkkö &Turner advertised their location and spent a month allowing anyone who responded to take them anywhere. The result of their month long journey is captured in intimate footage, now forming the basis of documentary #TakeMeAnywhere.

Shia LaBeouf, Nastja Säde Rönkkö & Luke Turner have been making art together since 2014. Their participatory projects and performances utilise emotion and social interaction to foster new forms of communality across digital and physical networks. Check out our other videos for more exclusive coverage of the Manchester Film Festival 2018, thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe.

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