A kind-hearted farmer takes care of a calf, born with just two hind legs, despite his meagre resources.
The mother cow, which gave birth to the male calf on February 1, in Revthgaon village near Vijayapura in South India, has refused to feed it.
Kalappa Shivaningappa Kumbar, who owns the animals says: “The cow gets startled if we try to take the calf to it and moves away.”
So Kalappa has been feeding the calf with a milk bottle.
“The calf will be fed only milk for a month. Then I will start giving it some fodder,” he says.
Kalappa frequently cleans the mouth and nose of the calf as it gets mud into it. He also massages it and tries to make sure it gets some exercise.
“I have a seen a video of a similar calf walking on just its hind legs. This calf is already trying to get up on its two legs, but falls down unable to find balance,” he says.
“Who knows, it may also walk in future,” he adds.
The calf has become a local attraction and many people from nearby villages are coming to see it. His friends are concerned that the unproductive animal may become a burden on Kalappa.
Kalappa is also worried as he is just a sharecropper with less than three hectares of rain-fed land.
“I have to support my aged parents and wife on my meagre income. But the calf is my responsibility and I will try to take care of it,” he says.