
Dhruva - How Dhruva became Dhruva Tara (Pole Star)? ध्रुव तारा की एतिहासिक कहानी | Facts On Artha

2019-02-05 26 Dailymotion

Dhruva - How Dhruva became Dhruva Tara ( Pole Star)? This video tells about the mythical story of the pole star, known in Hindi as the dhruv tara.

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1 Dhruva was the bright son of King Uttanapada and Queen Suniti. His story is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata Purana, as a dedicated follower of Lord Vishnu.

2 King Uttanapada also had another son called Uttama (Uthaman) who was born to his second wife, Queen Suruchi (the favorite one). Hence, Dhruva never received his father's affection like Uttama did.

3 One day, when the five-year-old Dhruva got to sit on his father’s lap at the King's throne, his stepmother forcefully pulled him down saying that he didn’t deserve the seat.

4 Dhruva was very hurt by the harsh words she uttered and complained to his mother. She consoled him not to be grief-stricken since he can be loved by Lord Vishnu if he prays to him.

5 The next morning, he had set his heart on Lord Vishnu and aimed to become a Tapasavi, so he set out into the forest.

6 There he met Maharishi Narada. Astonished Narada instructed him on not to assume a severe austerity at such an early age. But, Dhruva's determination knew no bounds.

7 Narada guided him on the rituals to meditate for seeking Lord Vishnu. He taught him the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate” and advised him to just pray.

8 Dhruva started his meditation and Tapasya by abstaining from food and water for six months. Everyone watched the child with disbelief as he continued his Tapasaya for months.

9 The Sapta Rishis started protecting him as Indra tried to distract him by sending the snakes of nether land. Such determined were the austerities of this five-year-old that the three worlds shook under the power of his tapas.

10 Finally, Vishnu appeared in front of Dhruva in a radiant form and called out his name. Thrilled at hearing the lord's voice, he was so amazed that he couldn’t say anything.

11 Lord Vishnu blessed him to rule the kingdom after which he received the position of Dhruva Tara, the pole star that is surrounded by the Saptarishi Nakshatra.

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